Aug 2014

It’s Time to Mobile Up!

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By 2015 more than half of all web traffic will come from mobile devices. If your website isn’t mobile ready, now’s the time to think about updating to a responsive framework.

The Social Side Of Things

Social sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest are accessed more by mobile devices than traditional laptops and desktops. If you don’t have all of your content optimized for both desktop and mobile, users may have an issue when moving from a well styled social site to your site if it doesn't render well in tablets or smartphones. Unless you require an application specific to your business (which is really only needed when you require unique user engagement type functionality beyond standard site interaction) the smart bet is to go with a responsive design. Your social fans will appreciate it.

The Facts

There's a reason why responsive design is growing in popularity:

  • 28% of users visit a website more often from their smartphones as compared to their desktops
  • 57% use just one mobile device regularly
  • 61% of users surveyed will leave if they find the site too complicated to use on their mobile tablet or smartphone
  • 67% are more likely to buy from sites that are mobile-friendly
  • 99% of users won't proceed past the main or home page if the website is not responsive to mobile devices

Stay Ahead of the Competition

In today's business world, it's important to stay ahead of the competition. If more and more users are using their mobile devices to search and make purchases online, it only makes sense that businesses cater to that audience by having a mobile-friendly site.

Chances are that you competitors aren't making use of responsive designs, which means they are losing out on potential customers.

Save Time While Keeping Customers Happy

While a responsive site aims to serve the satisfaction of your visitors, the bottom line is you’re tired of having to keep up with all the marketing trends when ultimately you just want to run a business. Avoiding dual websites, dual SEO campaigns and constant website maintenance for two platforms will prove to be incredibly valuable both to your bank account and time management.

It's Time to Mobile Up!

Not mobile ready? We're here to help! Projects big or small, we develop them all using an easy-to-use responsive framework. Contact us for more information!


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